Saturday, August 8, 2020

Mordor Orc Converting and Painting!

 In this post I will teach you how to paint a Mordor orc, as well as an idea for your own conversions (possibly the first, if you're a new player). I will add pictures at every step of the way, which I hope will help with your own paint job and conversions.☺ 

So you'll need a hobby knife, green stuff, at least one (1) detail brush, two (2) standard brushes,a pot of water, a Mordor orc with sword upraised (see picture), superglue/plastic cement, some form of black paint (only needed if you use a black undercoat), brown paint, grey paint, silver paint, and green paint.

A model conversion is a way to make your own models unique by cutting/replacing/repainting pieces of the existing models. 

It's very simple once you get used to it, and some players actively convert every model in their collection so that all of the models are different.

Okay, so first cut both of the arms off at the shoulders, then glue them back in the positions shown in the picture below.

Then, apply green stuff to any gaps (see picture).

Now, let's start painting! Apply an undercoat (I use black, but it works just as well with other colors).

The next step is to paint the tunic brown (I use Testor, but other paints work just fine).

After this, paint the belt, gauntlets, hair, and boots grey.

Then paint the skin green.

Now paint the sword and armor silver.

And we're done!

Now you have your own converted Mordor Orc! Have fun playing the game! - the Rohan General.


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  3. In the next post I will record a three-part battle report with my friends Tie Die and Blue Boy
    Can't wait!


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