Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Case Study: Grimbold!

 Last Case Study we dived in to see the Uruk-hai captain, now we're exploring what I personally think is a big mistake by Games Workshop - Grimbold!😖

this is the GW helmet...

OK, so I recently converted a mounted Grimbold to go in my all-mounted Rohan, and I chose the sculpt that looks closest to what he looks like (you can also use a Royal Guard, but they don't have axes).

That's more like it!

In my custom rules, Grimbold can take a horse and throwing spears (like he does in the movies) and is included in the Riders Of Theoden (because HE WAS THERE!...  how did Games Workshop not see that?)

Where are the Riders from Grimslade?

He's pretty good with nothing on, but to take him in The Riders Of Theoden, he has to come mounted (and since he appears to be a member of the Royal Guard, he can take throwing spears for range.

And that is where the spear went!

Okay, I've covered  my conversion, let's move on to the Case Study, shall we?

While Grimbold doesn't need a horse, that 4+ hit on the mount instead of yourself is pretty good, and with HORSE LORD like all Heroes of Rohan there's a 50% chance that  the horse lives!


Also, unlike Erkenbrand, you can upgrade ANY NUMBER of Warriors of Rohan to Helmingas, it doesn't apply only to his warband, which means that your whole Rohan contingent could be Strength 4 Helmingas!

Grimbold can also take throwing spears, which are very valuable, since Rohan is one of the few armies that can take an everybody can shoot force.

Grimbold fully kitted out.

so there you have it, Grimbold really should take all of his options, so have fun gaming!

The Rohan General😏


  1. Great write-up - I always feel underwhelmed when I face Grimbold (I don't run him), since his FV is meh and he doesn't have Strike. That said, when he's supporting a Striking hero, he can be absolutely devastating (Mighty Blow with a two-handed axe is no joke). Perhaps that's why I like Thrydan so much (has Mighty Blow with a sword or two-handed axe AND Strike . . . and a mount). :)


nerf gun