Saturday, February 27, 2021
Saturday, February 6, 2021
How to paint Rangers of The North (and Dunedain)
So I was going to paint Blue Boy's new Rangers of The North for Battle Companies, and after seeing that there was nothing good on the Internet, I thought to myself, Welp, somebody's got to post a tutorial for how to paint these guys! Well, that's me!
So after undercoating the model like every single painter in the world tells you to do and paint the skin, hair, spears, and masks (Covid 19 - ha ha ha GW!👍😷) move on with the tutorial for the model you plan to use and stick with it!😉
First the tunic is grey
And the boots and gloves are grey
Then paint the armor brown leather
Then the cloak and belt are green.
After that the sword sheath and quiver are dark grey
And the bow is brown
And finally, the sword (if unsheathed) is silver
Ranger of the North
So first the tunic is dark green
Then the boots, gloves, and belt are painted brown
After the boots, the armor is silver
Then the sword sheath, bow, and quiver are painted dark brown
Finally the sword (if unsheathed) is silver
So I hope this helps.
Have fun gaming,
The Rohan General😎
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